
基于尺寸分布的生物柴油排气微粒形态研究 被引量:5

Research on PM form of Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel Based on Size Distribution
摘要 利用电子低压撞击仪(ELPI)在线实时测量了4CK柴油机分别燃烧生物柴油与柴油排放的微粒粒径分布,应用透射电镜与扫描电镜分析方法研究了发动机燃用柴油、生物柴油排气微粒的形态.研究结果表明:燃用生物柴油排放出了更多的纳米微粒,微粒形状均由球粒状的初级碳粒子凝并、聚集而成,这些初级粒子的直径分布在20-30nm之间,微粒间排列更加紧密,凝聚体微粒多以葡萄状、簇状形态存在;柴油燃烧后产生的微粒样品中碳烟成分多,颗粒物粒径较大,在聚集状态的表面形貌上表现的较为疏松,凝聚体微粒多以链状形式存在. The electrical low pressure impactor(ELPI) was used to measure size distribution from biodiesel and diesel particulate emissions from 4CK diesel engine. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)were used to analysis diesel and biodiesel exhausted particulate form. The results show that biodiesel emits more nanoparticles; and the particles are in form of granular shape of the ball by the primary carbon particle coalescence, aggregation from these primary particle diameter of 20 - 30nm , which are more closely inter-particles, aggregate particles in grape-like and cluster-like form. However, the combustion of diesel generated many carbon particles with larger diameter, and the aggregation state of the surface morphology seems loose. The aggregate particles are in chain-like form.
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2009年第4期52-57,共6页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 生物柴油 柴油机 透射电镜 扫描电镜 微粒粒径分布 bio-diesel diesel engine TEM SEM PM size distribution
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