
模糊ART神经网络在运动目标识别中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Fuzzy ART Neural Network for Moving Object Recognition
摘要 本文在讨论模糊ART神经网络及其算法的基础上,研究和提出了一种三维运动目标识别方法,利用模糊ART神经网络对运动目标的目标侧面图形进行学习和模式识别。模拟实验表明了该方法的有效性。 On the basis of fuzzy ART neural network and its algorithm, this paper discusses arecognition method for 3D moving object, using fuzzy ART neural network to learn andrecognize the side elevation of moving object. This method is effective proved by simulativetest.
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 1998年第4期69-71,共3页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 国防预研基金
关键词 模糊神经网络 目标识别 模式识别 ART神经网络 Fuzzy neural network Object recognize Image recognize Model recognize
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