
我国农业企业的社会责任、创新与财务绩效的互动影响 被引量:8

Corporate Social Responsibility of Agricultural Enterprises,Innovation and Financial Performance
摘要 企业的社会责任分战略性社会责任和利他性社会责任。农业企业所生产的产品与人们的日常生活密切相关,其社会责任的履行问题应得到更多关注。农业企业的社会责任、产品和过程创新、企业规模均与企业财务绩效之间存在正相关关系,通过对沪、深两市的农业类上市公司有关数据的实证分析,验证了这种关系的确存在。 The products of agricultural enterprises are closely related to people's daily lives and the implementation issues of these enterprises so- cial responsibility should draw more attention. This paper analyzes the hypotheses about the relationship between corporate strategic social re- sponsibility and altruistic social responsibility and corporate financial performance and then gives empirical test using the data of agricultural lis- ted companies in Hu and Shen market. The results show that strategic social responsibility of agricultural enterprises and corporate financial performance can make a significant positive impact on each other; when product innovation and strategic social responsibility are kept in line, corporate financial performance can be significantly improved.
作者 姜俊
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期96-101,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 农业企业 战略性社会责任 利他性社会责任 创新 财务绩效 strategic corporate social responsibility altruistic corporate social responsibility corporate financial performance product innovation process innovation
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