
晶须排列方式对复合材料力学性能的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Whiskers' Packing Modes on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
摘要 应用二维平面模型和有限元分析方法研究了晶须在不同取向角单向排列和随机排列时对晶须增强树脂基复合材料应力应变和弹性性能的影响。结果表明:在晶须体积分数和外加应力相同的条件下,取向角θ的变化对应力应变集中系数有较大影响;晶须随机排列时,应力集中系数远大于单向排列时的应力集中系数,而应变集中系数同=θ30o时的系数接近;复合材料弹性模量随晶须取向角的增加而减小,当晶须取向角θ>45o时,弹性模量受晶须取向角的影响较小,晶须随机排列时的弹性模量值介于θ=30o和θ=45o的弹性模量值之间。 The stress-strain and elastic modulus of whisker reinforced resin matrix composites are found by 2D plane model and finite element method, for different single orientation angle of whiskers and random distributions of whiskers. It is shown that, the change of whisker orientation angle θ has much effect on stress-strain concentration factor. Stress concentration factor of the composite with random distribution whiskers is much higher than that with single orientation angle whiskers, but strain concentration factor is similar to that with θ= 30°. Elastic modulus of the composite will decrease with the increase of θ when the whiskerorientation angel is less than 45° ,but 0 does not have too much effect on elastic modulus when θ is more than 45°. The value of elastic modulus of the composite with random distribution whiskers is between that with θ=30°and θ=45°.
出处 《机械工程与自动化》 2009年第6期100-102,共3页 Mechanical Engineering & Automation
关键词 复合材料 晶须取向角 有限元法 力学性能 composites whisker orientation angle finite element method mechanical properties
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