

Understanding arts audiences:existing data and what it tells us
摘要 扩大公众的艺术参与是英格兰艺术理事会的核心工作内容,也是英国文化、媒体及体育部的重要工作目标。为了给决策者提供翔实的材料,一系列的资料筹集工作相继展开,其中包括"参与"调查、针对英国人艺术参与方式的深度调查以及针对公众态度和资助而进行的深度量化研究项目"艺术辩论"。本文研究对比了各种调查手段的优缺点及其作用,还研究了"艺术辩论"与"参与"调查量化分析之间的相互补充关系,这一结论将对未来的研究重点产生影响。 Increasing public engagement with the arts is a core part of Arts Council England' s mission. It is also a key objective of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The need for evidence based policy in this area has led to the production of a number of new data sources, including the commissioning of the Taking Part survey, an in - depth survey of how people in England attend and participate in the arts, and the "arts debate", a wide - reaching programme of qualitative research and consultation into people' s attitudes to the arts and their funding. This article examines the benefits and pitfalls of the different kinds of data available, and what these new sources of evidence add to policy maker' s understanding of how people engage with the arts in England. In particular, it explores how findings from the arts debate complement and build on the quantitative findings from Taking Part, and what implications this has for future research priorities.
出处 《文化艺术研究》 2009年第3期246-252,共7页 Studies in Culture and Art
关键词 观众 定量 定性 出席 参与 涉入 audiences quantitative qualitative attendance participation engagement
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