

Effect of nutural anticoagulants on different models of bacterial infection
摘要 脓毒症过程中促凝皿及纤维蛋白溶解异常与炎症反应有着紧密的关系,存现代脓毒症治疗方案上抗凝剂已经被认为是一种重要的治疗手段,特别是活化蛋白C在临床的应用更使这种观点得到了进一步深化。然而抗凝剂对于临床上不同的细菌感染是否都有相同的作用?如果不是,那么差别的机制是什么?本文就此问题作一探讨。 The dysfunction of proeoagulation and fihrinolysis is tightly associated with inflammation in the eourse of sepsis, natual anticoagulators have been consided to be an important lreatment in the modern therapeutic regimen of sepsis, especially 'after clinical application of rAPC in sepsis therapy. But is there the same effect of natual antieoagulators on different bacterial infections? If not,what is deffential mechnism? These problems will be discussed in this paper.
出处 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1131-1134,共4页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
关键词 天然抗凝剂 细菌感染模型 Natural anticoagulant Models of bacterial infection
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