
一种反辐射导弹抗非相干诱饵的新方法 被引量:3

New method for the anti radar missile to antagonize the non-coherent radar decoy
摘要 针对雷达和非相干诱饵的功率和相关性特点,利用噪声子空间的不变特性,提出了改进的子空间DOA估计方法,与MUSIC算法相比,不仅对空间分布很近的信号有更高的角分辨力,而且对功率不等的信号和相关性较强的信号均能很好地分辨,将此方法应用于被动雷达导引头中,能够很好地分辨雷达和非相干诱饵,计算机仿真结果和实测数据均验证了算法的性能. The traditional wideband PRS(Passive Radar Seeker) of the ARM (Anti Radar Missile) can not antagonize the radar decoy, a new-style wideband PRS should be developed. Using the super resolution DOA(Direction of Arrival) estimation algorithm to reduce the resolution angle is an effective method for the PRS to antagonize the non-coherent radar decoy. Considering the power and correlation property between radar and non-coherent decoy, an improved subspace DOA estimation method using the invariance property of noise subspace is proposed. Compared to the traditional MUSIC algorithm, this new method shows not only a better resolution in the condition of closely spaced sources, but also superior performance in case of different power or partially correlated sources. The PRS(Passive Radar Seeker) using this new method can distinguish radar and non-coherent decoy with good performance. Both the simulation result and the experimental data confirm the performance of the method.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1132-1138,共7页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家部委基础科研基金项目资助(A2420061104-06)
关键词 雷达对抗 被动雷达导引头 非相干诱饵 DOA估计 radar countermeasures passive radar seeker non-coherent decoy DOA estimation
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