

Empirical Analysis on Endogenous Relationship of China's Agricultural Openness
摘要 对外开放过程中所形成的内生机理关系是推动对外开放进一步扩大和深化的重要力量。在中国农业对外开放过程中,农业引进外商直接投资与农产品进出口之间存在正向、长期的均衡关系,但并不构成因果关系。这主要是由于目前中国农业对外开放的整体水平有限,开放过程中的内生互补关系难以形成,对农业对外开放的推动作用不大。 The endogenous relationship is important to further expand the opening up to the outside. The research in the paper shows that there is a close relationship between FDI and trade during the openness of agriculture. FDI is helpful to primary products export,but the effect is not distinct. There is no Granger Causality between FDI and trade,mainly because that the openness of agriculture is not enough and the endogenous complementary relationship has not been formed.
作者 胡靖 宋文玲
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 2009年第6期42-47,共6页 Finance and Trade Research
关键词 农业 对外开放 内生 检验 agriculture openness endogenous empirical analysis
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