
信任、分工与经济增长 被引量:2

Trust,Labor Division and Economic Growth
摘要 基于新增长理论,构建了一个动态模型,分析了信任、分工与经济增长之间的复杂作用机理,指出它们之间可能存在的均衡状态:较高的社会诚信水平有利于分工以及分工的深化,从而促进经济的发展,而后者同样有利于信任水平的提高;相反,如果社会整体的信任水平不理想,则守信者会演变为失信者,从而产生信任与经济增长之间的"恶性循环";另外还存在一种中间状态的均衡结果,即信任水平和经济发展都处于静止状态。 Based on the new growth theory, the author constructs a dynamic model that analyzes the complex interaction between trust, division of labor and economic growth, and also shows the possible equilibrium. The higher level of trust will improve the division of labor and economic growth. Economic growth benefits the level of trust as well. On the other hand, if the level of trust is not satisfactory, the "vicious circle" will occur between trust and economic growth. There also exists another equilibrium in which the level of trust and economic development remains in a static state.
作者 何立华
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期8-15,共8页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(06JJD790024)
关键词 信任 分工 一般知识 经济增长 trust division of labor general knowledge economic growth
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