
VBF水下传感器网络路由协议的路径优化与模拟 被引量:3

Routes Optimization and Simulation of Underwater Sensor Network VBF Protocol
摘要 针对水下传感器网络节点的移动性,以基本VBF(Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol)路由协议为基础,提出了1种适用于水下移动传感器节点的路径优化算法。为了验证此路径优化算法的有效性,分别对基本VBF算法和改进的VBF算法进行了3个模拟实验;从数据包接收成功率和网络负载两方面分析比较了实验模拟结果。比较结果可以看出:文中提出的路径优化的VBF路由协议的数据包成功接收率要优于VBF路由协议,降低了网络负载,并且该优化算法实现简单,不需要增加额外的网络延迟时间。 Aiming at the mobility of underwater sensor net nodes, based on basic VBF(Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol) protocol, a routes optimization algorithm was proposed to suit the situation. To verify the new algorithm, three simulation experiments of the basic VBF algorithm and the optimal VBF algorithm were implemented, respectively. The simulation results are compared in terms of the number of total teceived packets and network load. It shows that the proposed routes optimization algorithm of VBF protocol is more effective than the basic VBF protocol. The proposed algorithm can reduce network loacl and its realization is simple and without additional time delay.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1261-1264,共4页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
基金 国家自然科学基金主任基金(40552001)资助
关键词 水下传感器网络 路由协议 VBF(Vector-Based FORWARDING Protocol) 模拟 underwater sensor network route protocol VBF(Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol) simulation
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