
直接边界元法时域全非线性兴波计算(英文) 被引量:3

Time-Domain 3D fully nonlinear Wave Making computations By Direct Boundary Integral Method
摘要 文章在时域中采用直接边界元的方法计算模拟了以稳定航速运动的近水面潜体全非线性兴波现象。从格林定理出发,在边界面上布置Rankine源和偶极子,采用时间步进的方法计算模拟潜体近自由面运动的兴波现象。每个时步自由面上的势和节点位置采用全非线性拉格朗日自由面边界条件求解,重新生成自由面网格准备下一个时步计算的初始条件。文中给出了数值计算的结果并与试验和线性计算的结果相比,证实了该方法是可靠的,并可以利用该方法建立数值波浪水池。 Three-dimensional fully nonlinear wave generated by moving disturbances with steady forward speed is solved using direct boundary integral method in time domain. The method is based on Green's second theorem. Rankine Sources and dipoles are placed on boundary surfaces. Time-step- ping scheme is adopted to simulate the wave generated by submerged body near free surface during its movement. The values of the potential and position of the free surface are updated by integrating the fully nonlinear Lagrangian free surface boundary conditions for every time. The grid regeneration scheme is developed to determine the approximate position of the free surface for the next time step. The numerical results are presented and compared with linear theory and experimental measurements.The comparisons show good agreements and reliable of the numerical model which could be used in development of 3-D numerical wave tank in future.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2009年第6期841-852,共12页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
关键词 全非线性 Rankine源偶极子 潜体 时域 格林第二定理 网格重生 fully nonlinear Rankine Source dipole submerged body time domain Green s second theorem grid regeneration
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