
W-CDMA模拟预失真功率放大器设计 被引量:4

Design of W-CDMA Analog Pre-distortion Power Amplifier
摘要 针对宽带码分多址(W-CDMA)功放的非线性失真问题,设计实现了工作频率范围在2110-2170MHz放大器的预失真模块部分、驱动级、主功放,最终实现了适用于输出功率为41dBm功率放大器的预失真系统。该系统利用二极管的非线性特性,调节二极管的偏置电压,以及补偿功放的非线性失真,有效地抑制临信道频谱再生,使输出信号的三阶交调、五阶交调分别改善了13dB和10dB。 The W - CDMA power amplifier suffers from the nonlinear distortion problem. The design of the predistorter, the driver and the main power amplifier which working on 2110-2170 MHz are proposed. The predistortion system for a 41 dBm power amplifier is realized. This system makes use of the diode's nonlinearity,adjusts the offset voltage of the diodes for compensation,suppressing the channel frequency spectrum regeneration effectively. The results indicate that the IM3 and IM5 of output signal have been improved by 13 dB and 10 dB respectively.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2009年第24期100-102,105,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 宽带码分多址 非线性 预失真 三阶交调 五阶交调 W - CDMA nonlinearity predistortion IM3 IM5
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