The Asian Stroke Criteria (ASC) was developed to detect etiology and topography of brain infarction. The ASC was designed by stroke neurologists and approved by the University of Alberta, Canada in 2003. In the first validation step, inter-rater reliability of ASC was evaluated. The inter-rater agreement, according to the ASC system, is much higher than other classifications with moderate inter-observer reliability. In the second validation step, ASC has been used successfully in Khorasan stroke registries.
The Asian Stroke Criteria (ASC) was developed to detect etiology and topography of brain infarction. The ASC was designed by stroke neurologists and approved by the University of Alberta, Canada in 2003. In the first validation step, inter-rater reliability of ASC was evaluated. The inter-rater agreement, according to the ASC system, is much higher than other classifications with moderate inter-observer reliability. In the second validation step, ASC has been used successfully in Khorasan stroke registries.