Governments and scientific and technical personnel in all countries in the world pay their wide attention to control of CO2 emission, which becomes an internationally powerful and dynamic action. Execution of the techni- cal thinking of combining CO2 high efficiency use with geological sequestration is an effective way to relieve environ- ment pollution pressure and EOR. On the basis of situation and tendency of CO2 EOR and geological sequestration technique, in view of behaviors of most oilfields in our country, including serious heterogeneity, low permeability, high oil viscosity and paraffin content, high miscible pressure of crude oil and CO2, and so on, this paper analyses the key scientific problems in CO: EOR and geological sequestration technique system: the evaluation system prob- lem of CO2 EOR and geological sequestration suitable for geological behaviors in China, the basically geological the- ory problem of COz EOR and geological sequestration with geological behaviors in China, the physical chemistry theory problem during CO2 EOR and geological sequestration, the problem of fluid mechanics in porous medium during CO2 EOR and geological sequestration, and the scientific problem relative to CO2 separation, transportation and resistant to corrosion. The thinking and countermove needed to be followed are pointed out, which points out the direction for the integral study on CO2 EOR and geological sequestration in China.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing