
卡托普利治疗对SHR大鼠遗传血压、左心室肥厚及心肌胶原的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Low Dose Captopril Treatment on Inherent Blood Pressure,Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Myocardium Collagen in SHR
摘要 目的探讨卡托普利对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)的血压及左心室肥厚的影响。方法选用一组SHR(F0),从交配之日起每天给卡托普利(20mg/kg),其子代(F1)持续治疗到16周时分为2组。第一组F1a在交配时继续用药治疗;第二组F1b交配时停药。第二代两组小鼠(F2)出生后,F2a继续用药治疗到16周停药;F2b不用药治疗。分别观察其血压,左心室重量(LVM),左心室重量与体重比(LVM/BW)及测定左心室羟脯氨酸浓度和计算机图像分析心肌胶原的含量。结果发现在停药前动物血压处于较低的水平,但明显高于WKY;而停药后血压明显回升到接近SHR的水平。F2a表现基本一致;而F2b的血压与对照组SHR一样,明显高于F2a组。心肌内羟脯氨酸浓度及胶原含量,在F2a明显较SHR和F2b低,接近WKY水平。结论卡托普利治疗并不能防止SHR的高血压的遗传发展,但可以减低左心室肥厚。 Aim\ To explore the influence of captopril treatment on inherent blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy and myocardium collagen in spontaneous hypertensive rat(SHR).\ Methods\ SHR(F 0) were given captopril(20 mg/kg·d -1 ) in the age of 16 weeks after mating and throughout pregnency and lactational period. Their offspring(F 1) were divided into two groups(F 1a , continuous medication,F 1b non medication). F 1a received the same drug administration protocal of F 0 until the delivery of F 2. F 2 were also divided into 2 groups with F 2a being treated with captopril and F 2b of nontreated.\ The treating program in F 2 were the same as that was applied in F 0 and F 1.\ All animals were killed at the fortieth weeks.\ The body weight,blood press,heart rate,ventricular hypertrophy and myocardium collagen were examined.\ Results\ The SBP of captopril treated F 0 and F 1 was significantly lower than that of control SHR, but SBP resumed slowly and markedly as soon as discontinuation of the treatment and approched the level of control SHR.\ Likewise, the treated F 2a showed a similar courses of the development of SBP as that of treated F 0 and F 1.\ However,the LVM,LVM/BW and the content of hydroxyproline in myocardium in F 2a were significantly lower than that in F 2b even thier SBP reached the same level of control SHR.\ Conclusion\ The low dose captopril cannot reduce the hypertension in SHR after 2 generation treatment.\ However,the left ventricular hypertrophy, especially the content of myocardium collagen was significantly reduced. A dissociation between left ventricular hypertrophy,fibrosis and high blood pressure was found.
出处 《高血压杂志》 CAS CSCD 1998年第3期222-225,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hypertension
关键词 高血压 左心室肥厚 卡托普利 胶原 治疗 hypertension captorpil left ventricular hypertrophy collagen
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