
人体三维运动影像解析环节角的概念与计算方法 被引量:1

The Cconcept & Calculating Method of Human Segment Angle in 3D Film Analysis
摘要 人体三维运动是由身体环节绕环节质心转动组成的,因此人体环节转动角度的概念和计算显得十分重要。本研究定义了‘环节角’的概念并采用三维摄影解析得到的人体测量点坐标对全身各个环节给出了全面严格的计算环节角和环节绝对角速度的方法。应用FORTRAN77和Visual C++6.0语言开发编制了该方法的计算软件,应用该软件在体操跳马侧手翻直体侧空翻转体990°躯干动作进行了测定,真实清楚地给出了躯干三维瞬时转动数据,该计算方法从根本上解决了三维摄影解析中计算人体各环节多轴转动的问题。 It is important to define the concept of human segment angle and to calculate it,, because of the human body motion combined by the segment' s rotation around the segment mass center. This article has defined the concept and offered the research method of calculating the segment angle & absolute angular velocity by using film analysis, and then used FORTRAN77 and Visual C + + 6.0 language to make a computing software which was well applied in torso 3D - rotation of horse - vaulting. The research method has thoroughly resolved the human segment's multi - axis rotation in 3D film analysis
作者 岳卫亚
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第3期28-30,共3页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 环节角 环节绝对角速度 环节多轴转动 segment angle segment absolute angular velocity multi-axis rotation
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