
ICU不能回避的课题:生命支持系统的撤除 被引量:4

Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments in the ICU
摘要 ICU内生命支持系统不但应得到充分的使用,在适当的时候也应予以撤除。"适当"包括两方面含义:患者已经康复和患者已无可能康复,共同点在于继续使用生命支持系统已经无助于患者及家人的福祉。患者终末期管理已成为ICU专门领域,与其他专门领域同样需要相当的知识与能力。 Not only should life--sustaining treatments be used widely in the intensive care unit, but also should be withdrawn in the right time, that is when the patients are completely recovered, or are impossible to return to a meaningful life and further life support is considered futile. End-- of- life care is emerging as a comprehensive area of expertise in the ICU and it demands the same high level of knowledge and competence as all other areas of ICU practice.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2009年第12期66-68,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 ICU 生命支持系统 撤除 ICU, life support, withdrawal
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