
民族教育政策比较——以加拿大印第安民族和中国蒙古族为例 被引量:2

A Comparative Study of Aboriginal Education Policy:Indians in Canada and Mongolians in China
摘要 本文对过去30年加拿大的印第安教育政策和我国的蒙古族教育政策进行了系统的比较,其目的是为了加强两国民族教育中的平等和多元化研究。虽然中、加两国在自治、法律保障、优惠政策、额外财政支持、语言保留等方面有很多相似之处,但在社会环境、政策过程和处理民族教育的基本方法上,还有很多不同点。本文从原住民族传统价值观出发,采用Levin提出的政策阶段分析法,对两国政策做了阶段性的分析、比较。指出了两国政策制定和落实过程中的作为与不作为情况、政策结果以及特殊做法和措施,提出了中、加两国相互学习和借鉴的建设性建议。 This paper intends to make a comparison of Canada' s policy of Indian education and China' s policy of Mongolian education in the past three decades to find better ways to enhance ethnic diversity and equality in education in both countries. Though Canada and China share quite a few similarities in their policies towards Aboriginal education, such as in autonomy, legal provisions, preferential treatment, additional financing and language maintenance, they differ significantly in social environment, policy making process and basic approaches. This paper adopts a adapted version of Levin' s stage method for policy analysis, discusses policy continuity and change in different stages in the past three decades in the contexts of Aboriginal traditional values, makes a comparison of the two countries in terms of actions and in-actlons in policy-making and implementation processes, policy outcomes, as well as preferential treatment and puts forward constructive suggestions for the two countries to learn from each other.
作者 王昺
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期59-64,共6页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 加拿大研究发展基金项目"教育政策比较--以加拿大印第安民族和中国蒙古族为例"的阶段性成果。
关键词 加拿大印第安教育 中国蒙古族教育 政策比较 Indian education in Canada Mongolian education in China policy comparison
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