
中国高新区低技术重复开发现象及其机制 被引量:1

The Repeated Development with Low Level and Its Mechanism in China's Hi-tech Industry Development Areas(HIDAs)
摘要 中国高新区存在的严重的低技术重复开发问题,其主要原因在于高新区政府对高新区长远发展的理性的产业政策,导致国家层面的集体非理性结果——重复开发和资源浪费。政府偏好对高新区发展进行直接支持和企业的寻租行为会导致大量的"低技术重复开发",甚至可能出现"劣币驱逐良币"的现象。为此,应该及时调整政府的高技术产业发展战略,取消政府对高新区发展的干预,发挥市场优胜劣汰机制的调节功能。 Serious problems of low level repeated development in China's Hi-tech Industrial Development Areas (HIDAs) are studied in this paper. Through a comprehensive analysis, we find that the main reason lies in that the group behavior of local government' s HIDA industrial policies brings about unreasonable results in the view of the whole country, i.e. repeated development and wasting resources. The local government' s bias to the direct supporting for its HIDAs and the enterprise' s behavior of seeking for lease will cause low level repeated development or even the bad coin driving out the good one. Suggestions are proposed finally that the governments should change their strategies of HIDA development, including ceasing the direct interference to the HIDAs and making full use of the market adjusting function to keep the . good projects surviving and eliminate the bad ones.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第4期14-17,56,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
关键词 高新区 重复开发 产业政策 Hi-tech Industrial Development Areas(HIDAs) repeated development industrial policies
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