

Application of Optic Isolator in Optical Information and Technology Experiment
摘要 介绍了光隔离器的结构及工作原理,并通过在二项光信息实验中应用光隔离器的实例,说明将它放置在半导体光源输出光之后能够使实验系统稳定,可以获得可靠的测量数据。1550nm波长的光隔离器,价格便宜,适宜在教学实验中应用。 In optical fiber technology, optical isolators are indispensable devices for eliminating the reflections between the fiber and light source and between fibers. The structure and theory of optical isolator are presented in this paper. And the results from optical information and technology experiments show that the stable system can be obtained when the optical isolator is connected with diode laser. The optical isolator is suit for experimental teaching due to its lower price.
出处 《实验科学与技术》 2009年第6期23-24,共2页 Experiment Science and Technology
关键词 光隔离器 半导体光源 光学信息实验 系统稳定 optic isolator semiconductor light source optical information experiment stability of the system
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