
中国政府网站可访问性现状 被引量:9

The Status Quo of the Accessibility of E-government Websites in China
摘要 文摘:政府网站对残障人士的可访问性课题涉及法律和政策制定,web技术标准和用户本身等诸多因素。本文作者通过中外比较和调查研究,分析了我国政府网站几乎完全忽略了网站内容对残障人士的可访问性的原因:立法的空缺,未将可访问性作为政府网站测评指标之一以及政府网站开发者完全忽视web可访问性技术和标准。 The study of the accessibility of e-government websites is a complex topic that involves laws and other policy instruments, technological, and user factors.The author explores three reasons that result the current state of inaccessibility of e-government websites for persons with disabilities in China. The first reason is the absence of the relevant laws. The second is not having employed the accessibility as one of the indexes of assessing the e-government websites standards. The third is the website developers do not adopt the web accessibility guidelines of W3C and totally disregard the need of the disable persons.
作者 郭金兰
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期1802-1805,共4页 Information Science
关键词 web技术标准 网站可访问性 政府网站 web technology standard web accessibility e-government websites
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