

Effect of environmental regulation on firms adopting new environment protection technologies under monopoly situation
摘要 目前环境问题以引起各国政府的普遍重视,各国政府都在加强环境管制力度,积极地推动新环保技术的研发与传播.但是,在环境管制能否激励厂商积极地采用新环保技术这一问题上一直存在争议.通过模型分析了排污税及补贴对垄断厂商新环保技术采用时刻选择行为的影响.分析发现排污税在激励厂商采用新环保技术上具有重要作用,并且时变补贴在鼓励厂商采用新环保技术上,效果要明显好于固定补贴的情况.另外,厂商采用新技术的成本变化状况、折现率以及技术效率的提高幅度,都对环境管制的实施效果存在影响. Environment protection attracts more and more attention all of the world. The governments are reinforcing the regulation on firms and encourage them to adopt new environment protection technologies. Aimed at the debate whether the environment regulation can stimulate firms to adopt new technologies to deal with waste materials, the effect of regulations on monopoly firms adopting new technologies was analyzed with a model. The result shows that the charge to pollution is important for governments to encourage firms to adopt new technologies. The subsidies decreased with time going can encourage the adoption behavior of firms more efficiently than the fixed subsidies. Furthermore, the adoption cost varying with time going, the discount rate and the efficiency of new technologies can affect the effect of regulation.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期283-286,共4页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目(79990580)
关键词 环境管制 技术扩散 垄断厂商 environmental regulation technology diffusion monopoly
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