
福谷:霍桑探讨权力运作机制的舞台 被引量:3

The Blithedale,a Stage for Hawthorne to Explore the Working System of Power
摘要 霍桑在创作《福谷传奇》时的确有意无意地把美国社会权力的运作机制纳入视域。他之所以一再否认"福谷"与"布鲁克农庄"之间的关联,是为了强调福谷是一个完全虚构的乌托邦改革社团,是作者搭建的舞台以表达他对19世纪上半叶美国社会现实的关照。作品彰显新历史主义的"历史的文本性",以布鲁克农庄为叙述原型,通过书写催眠术和偶像崇拜,以普通人物的"小写历史"从微观上探讨了人际关系动力学,即一种"主宰与顺从的权力关系";通过考察福谷"全景监狱式"的社会模式,作者以文本的隐喻意义宏观地探讨了监狱改革及权力在社会中的运行机制,凸显了作家对社会改革所作的思考。 While writing The Blithedale Romance, actually Hawthorne has taken the working system of American social power into consideration, whether he realizes it or not. The reason why Hawthorne denies the relation between the Blithedale and Brook Farm is that he wants to use the fictional Utopian reform community as a stage to show his concern about the American social reality in the first half of the 19th century. Through describing mesmerism and idolatry and taking Brook Farm as narrative archetype, the romance discusses common people' s histories and explores the microcosmic interpersonal dynamics, the power of domination and submission. At the same time, by studying the social model of panoticon in the Blithedale, the author uses the text' s metaphoric content to show his retrospection on the prison reform and working system of power in society from macroscopic perspective.
作者 方文开
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期89-96,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 霍桑 《福谷传奇》 催眠术 权力 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Blithedale Romance mesmerism power
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