

Analysis and Improve of the Circular Volt-detecting Method of Individual Cells in the Supercapacitor Bank
摘要 提出了一种超级电容器组单体电压高速巡检的方法,并做出了一定的改进。该方法采用微处理器控制模拟开关进行多路选通,相比以前的继电器或电阻分压的方案具有巡检速度快、测试精度高等优点。方案应用到某超级电容厂家生产的水系功率型16节超级电容为一箱的测试工作中,取得了很好的效果。由于此测试系统直接使用被测对象供电,模块与模块之间采用CAN通信,所以更适合于车载以及地铁能量回收系统中的超级电容巡检。测量过程中由于差分放大器的输入电阻仅为几百千欧,因此有一定的误差,对其进行了改进。 The voltage of single supercapacitor is low, the work voltage is between 1.SV to 2.4V. So a lot of cells are combined to a bank in order to reach higher voltages which make it possible for a high efficient transformation from direct current of the bank. Sometimes hundreds of cells are connected whereas the voltages of the cells differ with others. So proper measure should be taken to detect the voltages of the individual cells.This paper represents a new method of detecting the voltages of cells quickly. A microprocessor is implied to control the multi channels. This method is much faster and more accurate than those done by relays or voltage distribution by resistors. It is implied in the capacitor bank which contents 16 cells and gains a good result. It costs lms to detect each capacitor and the precision reaches 10mV. To improve the measure precision,we may add a voltage-follower after the amplifier,and get the better effect. As the detecting board is powered directly by supercapacitors and CAN bus is applied to connect the boards, it is more suitable for detecting voltages of supercapacitors in vehicles.
出处 《机电一体化》 2009年第10期29-31,52,共4页 Mechatronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:50877054/E07)
关键词 超级电容 电压检测 模拟开关 跟随器 CAN总线 supercapacitor volt-detecting analog switch follower CAN-BUS
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