
澳大利亚公民教育的复兴:背景、形式与启示 被引量:4

The Revival of Civic Education in Australia:Background, Forms and Inspirations
摘要 自20世纪60年代后期起的20年中,公民教育在澳大利亚中小学课程中的分量大大减少,甚至消失;自80年代末期起,政府部门开始关注公民教育的状况,总理基廷也大力倡导,澳大利亚公民教育逐渐复兴。复兴通过探索理论与策略、成立相关机构、进行初步实践三种形式展开。这告诉我们,探索公民教育问题、成立相关机构、形成社会合力、完善课程和制订相关文件是发展公民教育的必要举措。 In the two decades since the latter half of 1960s,civic education almost disappeared from the curricula of Australian schools, and from the end of the 1980s,Australian government began to concern the condition of civic education, and Premier Keating also supported it,so Australian civic education came to revitalize. The main forms of the revival are exploring the theories and strategies,establishing related institutions,and practicing it preliminarily. The revival enlightens us that exploring the problems on civic education,establishing related institutions,developing social joint forces,perfecting curricula and formulating related documents are the necessary measures to develop civic education.
作者 韩芳
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期86-91,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 陕西省教育厅课题<澳大利亚公民教育发展研究>(课题编号:09JK076) 渭南师范学院课题<当代国外基础教育改革比较研究>(课题编号:09YKS019)
关键词 澳大利亚 公民教育 复兴 Australia the revival of civic education background forms inspiration
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