
甲氨蝶呤联合米非司酮治疗异位妊娠134例疗效观察 被引量:3

The observation on the effect of Methotrexate complicating Mifepristone to treat ectopic pregnancy in 134 cases
摘要 目的观察甲氨蝶呤(methotrexate,MTX)联合米非司酮在药物保守治疗异位妊娠中的临床疗效。方法将2004年6月至2007年4月宜兴市中医医院妇产科药物保守治疗异位妊娠患者134例分为两组,对照组66例予MTX(50mg/m2)单次肌肉注射,研究组68例予MTX(50mg/m2)单次肌肉注射,同时每天口服米非司酮200mg连续3d,两组均定期监测血人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-human chorionic gonadotrophin,β-HCG)水平,B超监测包块缩小情况。结果研究组治愈率(60例)88.2%,对照组治愈率(56例)84.8%,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),研究组血β-HCG转阴时间、包块缩小率均优于对照组,差异显著有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论MTX联合米非司酮治疗异位妊娠效果优于单独使用MTX。 Objective To study the effect of methotraxate(MTX) complicating misfepristone treating ectopic pregnancy. Methods The 134 cases with medicine treatment were divided into study group making of 68 cases with intramuscular injection MTX(50 mg/m^2) complicating misfepristone taken 200mg orally for 3 days and control group making of 66 cases with intramuscular injection MTX(50 mg/m^2). The level of β -human chorionic gonadotrophin ( β - HCG) and the size of mass was observed. Results It was no significant difference of cure rate between study group that the cure rate was 88.2% with 60 case cured and control group that the cure rate was 84.8% with 60 cases. The clearance time of β - HCG and the minification of the mass was significant difference between two groups. Conclusion The effect of MTX complicating misfepristone treating ectopic pregnancy was better than that of MTX single taken.
作者 许瑞群
出处 《中国计划生育和妇产科》 2009年第6期19-21,共3页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning & Gynecotokology
关键词 异位妊娠 甲氨蝶呤 米非司酮 ectopic pregnancy methotraxate misfepristone
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