

The Design of Attitude Control System of Moving Mass Actuated BTT Missile
摘要 针对装有变质心执行机构的BTT拦截导弹,建立了姿态和质心动力学模型,基于合理假设简化后,得到了一组耦合的非线性控制方程。根据变质心控制模式下状态耦合和控制耦合严重的特点,采用输出反馈线性化对其进行解耦,并对解耦后的俯仰和偏航通道分别设计了变结构控制器。另外,针对变质心BTT导弹的特点,提出2种控制方案。通过联合仿真表明:将变质心技术应用于BTT拦截导弹动态特性较好;第一种控制方案更适合这种控制模式;采用反馈线性化和变结构的控制系统,在气动参数摄动和拥有测量误差时能满足控制精度要求,具有一定的鲁棒性。 This paper aims at dealing with the control problem of a BTT interception missile with moving masses. First of all, the prototype of dynamics and kinematics of the BTT interception missile is developed. Then, a coupled nonlinear system equations are proposed by the simplification process based on rational hy- pothesis. An output feedback linearization method is employed to decouple the equations of dynamics, which is caused by the state variables and input variables using moving-mass control. The variable structure control system is also designed for the simplified linearization model to make the system fast and robust. In addition, the two methods of the motion mode of masses are also proposed. Regarding the simulation results of the two channels together, it is concluded that the system of the moving-mass actuated BTT interception missile is robust and effective by using the variable structure control and feedback linearization methods when there are measurement errors and parameter perturbation. Finally, the first method is proved more adaptive for the control of moving-mass actuated BTT missile in comparison with the second.
出处 《航天控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期23-27,32,共6页 Aerospace Control
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(2007AA712209)
关键词 变质心 BTT拦截导弹 反馈线性化 变结构 Moving-mass control Variable structure control Bank-to-turn Feedback-linearization
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