
基于发布/订阅的信息集成模型 被引量:2

A model of information integration based on publish/subscribe
摘要 发布/订阅(pub/sub)技术具有异步以及松散耦合的特点,可以使信息的生产者和消费者在时间、空间和控制流等方面完全解耦,适应目前动态多变的大规模分布式信息系统集成的需求.将带语义数据模型(SDM)引入到pub/sub系统中,提出了一种基于pub/sub机制的信息集成模型(PIIM),并针对信息集成的特点设计了适合PIIM的信息订阅语言,将不同信息源中的信息进行整合,建立统一的信息描述方式和访问操作规范,以统一的视图提供给用户,提供一种解决信息集成的核心问题有效途径.实验结果表明,该系统具有较高的订阅匹配效率. There are asynchronous and relaxed couplings in publish/subscribe technology which may completely decouple producers and consumers of information with respect to time, space and control of flow. Adaptation to the requirement of existing cosmically dynamic distributed information integration systems can be done, by introducing the semantic data model (SDM) into the publish/subscribe system. A publish/subscribe-based information integration model (HIM) can also be applied in the system. In light of the character of information integration, an information subscription language suitable for PIIM was added to the information integration system based on publish/ subscribe. Information from diverse sources was trimmed in this system, and unified information description methods and access operation specifications were established, providing users with a unified view. This is an efficient way to solve the information integration problem. Experiments showed that this system produces good results.
出处 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1393-1398,共6页 Journal of Harbin Engineering University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40746029)
关键词 订阅/发布 信息集成模型 语义数据模型 publish/subscribe information integration model semantics data model
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