
不同动物源新城疫病毒感染不同种属细胞的病变观察 被引量:3

Infectivity of NDV from Different Host to Avain Embryo Fibroblasts or Cell Lines from Mammal Animals
摘要 用10株不同动物源的新城疫病毒F48E8,LaSota、LaSota-GFP、ZJ1、ZJ1-GFP、JS-4-05-Go、GX-1-05-Ch、JS-1-07-Os、JS-1-07-Du、JS-1-07-Pi等毒株分别感染鸡胚、鹅胚、鸭胚成纤维细胞、PK-15、Dulac、FK81、MDCK、Vero、Hela多种不同动物来源的传代细胞系,通过对病毒感染细胞后病变的观察、ZJ1-GFP及LaSota-GFP两个病毒感染细胞后细胞中绿色荧光蛋白指示的病变,了解不同的毒株对不同细胞感染性的差别。结果表明,不同毒力、不同动物源的新城疫病毒致不同种属细胞病变的作用不同,产生病变的时间有差异,强毒F48E8等毒株感染细胞后48~72h可以引起几种禽源成纤维细胞全部裂解,而哺乳动物来源的细胞在60~120h细胞发生病变,且病变也不如禽源成纤维细胞严重,出现了细胞的圆缩。弱毒株在胰酶处理后感染细胞,72h以后出现明显细胞病变,引起的哺乳动物细胞病变不明显。受试毒株的动物种属来源与细胞的致病性没有明显相关性。 The study was carried out to learn if different strains and isolates of Newcastle disease viruses (NDV) from different hosts and areas could make different cytopathogenie effeet(CPE)to different cells. 10 NDV strains(F48E8,LaSota,La Sota-GFP,ZJ1,ZJ1-GFP,JS-4-05-Go,GX-1-05-Ch,JS-1-07-Os,JS-1-07-Du,JS-1-07-Pi) were used to inoculate the embryo fibroblasts cells of chicken,duck,goose or some cell lines from mammal animals,such as PK-15,Dulac,FKS1,MDCK,Vero, Hela. The eytopathogenie effects and fluoreseence were observed by microscope at different times of post infection. The results showed that virulent viruses could make severe eytopathogenic effects rapidly to the embryo fibroblasts cells of chicken, duck,goose. But the lentogenic viruses treated with trypsin make mild cytopathogenic effects slowly. The virulent viruses could make cytopathogenic effects to cell lines from mammal animals,but there were some differences from the species of the animals. MDCK and FK81 were more sensitive to the cell lines than other cell lines. The cytopathogenic effects caused by lentogenic viruses were not visible. The virus from different hosts and different areas could not be distinguished by the CPE.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2009年第23期18-21,共4页 China Poultry
基金 江苏检验检疫局科技计划项目(2007KJ03) 江苏省高校自然科学基础研究面上项目(07KJB230140) 江苏省教育厅指导计划项目(06KJD230211)
关键词 新城疫病毒 成纤维细胞 传代细胞系 绿色荧光蛋白 致病性 感染性 Newcastle disease virus embryo fibroblast cell line green fluorescence protein pathogenicity infectivity
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