

Characteristics of Mirror Elements and Their Applications
摘要 阐述了镜像元件的特性,包括零器-镜像元件连接的等效性;提出了镜像元件进而病态元件的级联特性,同时引入镜像元件完善了CCII族;对现代电网络分析中考虑镜像元件的方法进行了总结。镜像元件能够灵活地表示有源器件和等价电路,常在复杂的电路设计与分析中提供灵活和简洁的方法,其作为基础的病态元件应用越来越广泛。 The characteristic of mirror elements is presented including nullor-mirror equivalences, circuit cascadability as well as the description of CCII with mirror elements. Mirror elements are introduced to the methods of network analysis and proved to be flexible and simple. With the capability of mirror elements, the usage of them becomes more and more important. Therefore, they has been considered as basic pathological clements.
作者 陈盈今 白路
出处 《电工材料》 CAS 2009年第4期46-51,共6页 Electrical Engineering Materials
关键词 镜像元件 零器 CCII mirror elements nullor CCII
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