培根的名篇Of Studies语言简练、说理深刻,堪称经典中的经典。在我国,Of Studies的译本已达十多种。其中受到普遍肯定和称道的当属王佐良先生的译本。本文在分析原文及所选的三个译本的文体风格的基础上结合本雅明(Walter Benjamin)的翻译思想,对王佐良、水天同以及何新的三个译本进行简单的分析与比较,试图证明王佐良先生的译本不仅充分展现了原作的风姿和神韵,更使原作焕发出新的生机,成为译入语的经典翻译文学作品。
There are several translation versions of Bacon's great work Of Studies and the best one must be the one translated by WANG Zuo-liang. This paper analyzed and compared the three versions translated by WANG Zuo-liang, SHLII Tian-tong and HE Xin to prove that WANG Zuo-liang's translation reveals the verve of the original sufficiently.
Journal of Sichuan Reproductive Health Institute