为了对中国南方电网2010水平年输电网络结构进行检查和考核,基于丰大方式下包含5条直流的多馈入系统网络结构,提出了该水平年的动态等值方案,采用EMTDC程序建立了多馈入系统研究模型,对贵广、天广、三广、贵广2回以及±800 kV云广特高压直流5回直流落点广东交流系统发生单一、严重故障和云广直流闭锁及直流线路故障时的交直流系统动态性能和相互影响进行了研究,结果表明,从系统安全稳定的角度考虑,该网架结构是可行的。
To examine technical feasibility of transmission network structure of China Southern Power Grid in the year 2010, based on the network structure of multi-infeed system containing five DC transmission lines, i.e., the ±800kV DC transmission line from Yunnan to Guangdong with rated capacity of 5000MW, the HVDC transmission line called Gui-Guang No. 1 from Guizhou to Guangdong with capacity of 3 000 MW, the HVDC transmission line called Gui-Guang No.2 from Guizhou to Guangdong with capacity of 3 000 MW, the HVDC transmission line from Three Gorges to Guangdong with capacity of 3 000 MW and the HVDC transmission line from Tianshengqiao to Guangdong with capacity of 1 800 MW, under high water and heavy load operation mode a dynamic equivalent scheme for the year 2010 is proposed. By use of EMTDC program a research model for multi-feed system is built, and using this model the dynamic performance of AC/DC system and interaction between AC and DC system are researched under the condition of single fault or severe fault occurred in Guangdong AC system that is the landing point of above-mentioned five DC transmission lines, emergency outage of ±800 kV DC transmission line due to bipolar DC blocking and failures of ±800 kV DC transmission line. Research results show that as for system security and stability this network structure is feasible.
Power System Technology
dynamic equivalence
±800kV DCtransmission system
electromagnetic transient in DC system