The analysis of petrological characteristics and diagenesis of Cambrian dolomite from well Tashen 1 in eastern Akekule Salient of Shaya Uplift,Tarim Basin, revealed that. The variation of Cambrian-strata-fluid in well Tashen 1 was mainly affected by pencontemporaneous period,burial period,late hydrothermal-transformation period and so on. Based on the study of isotopes of oxygen, carbon and stontium and geochemical characteristic showed following features. The δ^13OPDB/‰ in pencontemporaneous period dolomite varied from -10.1 to -4.2,and the δ^13CPDB/‰ varied from 0. 9 to 1.8. The δ^13CPDB was partial positive and the δ^18OPDB partial negative,indicating that the formation of pencontemporaneous period microcrystalline dolomite is duo to the dolomitization of carbonate mud,and the dolomitization was a result of high-salinity seawater. In burial environment, the δ^18OPDB/‰ in burial-period dolomite varied from -10.02 to -5.7,and the δ^13CPDB/‰ from -1. 4 to 0. The stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen enhanced with recrystallization, and the dolomite grains changed from fine to coarse grained with increasing depth. Due to isotope fractionation, the δ^18OPDB showed a significant decrease, and therefore ,the value was partial negative. But the composition of δ^13CPDB showed a little change. The δ^18OPDB/‰ in late hydrothermal-transformation-period dolomite varied from - 13.1 to - 9.4. and the δ^13CPDB/‰ from -2 to -0. 647. Under hydrothermal condition,the δ^18OPDB/‰ values were generally lower than -10‰. The δ^18OPDB/‰ in matrix calcite varied from -10.1 to -10. 13, and the δ^13CPDB/‰ varied from -1.48 to -1.62. The δ^18OPDB/‰ filled in the coarse-grained calcite and megacrysts calcite varied from - 10.89 to - 14.28, and δ^13CPDB/‰ varied from - 2 to - 3.09. It was indicated that, with the time from pencontemporaneous period to burial period and to late hydrothermal-transformation period,the grain size varied from mud microcrystalline to fine grain to medium grain to coarse grain. Oxygen and carbon isotope value were decreased to partial negative. The values 0.707 284-0.746 888 of ^87Sr/^86Sr were higher than that of present ocean water (^87Sr/^86Sr=0. 708) and surrounding rock(^87Sr/^86Sr=0. 707 284). The pore fluid in saddle-shaped dolomite and calcite crystallization,was not the pencontemporaneous period seawater remained in the pores of rock, but the outside strontium-rich fluid, that is, the deep hydrothermal fluids. In the environment of super salinity, burial and hydrotherm with high temperature, the dolostone formed finally through three types of dolomitization,including seepage reflux dolomitization, burial dolomitization and high-temperature hydrothermal dolomitization,which influenced the formation and distribution of reservoirs, and consequently influenced the future exploration of oil and gas.
Mineralogy and Petrology