

Energy-Saving Control of Asynchronous Motor Including Iron Loss
摘要 三相异步电动机的耗能占全世界发电量的一半以上,节能需求巨大。本文基于数学分析,建立了考虑铁损时异步电动机的动态数学模型,在此基础上,构建了基于损耗模型的异步电动机节能控制方案。仿真结果表明,考虑铁损时的动态模型更接近实际的异步电动机,相应控制方案可更加有效地实现节能控制。 Three-phase asynchronous motor of the world's energy generating capacity of more than half of the enormous demand for energy. Based on mathematical analysis,to consider the establishment of the motor's dynamic model including iron loss,on this basis,build a model based on the loss model control of a induction motor control of energy-saving program. Simulation results show that the dynamic model is closer to the actual asynchromous motor when the iron loss into account ,and the corresponding control programs can more effectively to achieve energy-saving control.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第34期59-61,共3页 Control & Automation
基金 中国与保加利亚政府间科技合作项目 项目名称:面向污水处理全流程的智能监督控制的优化技术 基金颁发部门:科技部(12-11)
关键词 异步电动机 铁损 节能控制 Asynchronous Motor Iron loss Energy-Saving Control
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