对羊肉臊子软罐头的生产工艺进行了研究,并通过正交试验,找出合理优化的生产工艺条件。经实验验证,羊肉臊子软罐头生产的工艺条件为:制备浓缩羊骨头汤时,加水量为羊骨头重量的5倍,浓缩时间为4h;炼制羊油时,分别加入羊脂肪重量0.1%的花椒、八角、良姜及葱;肉丁大小为1 cm见方的小块;花椒、八角、良姜的配比为2:1:1;葱、姜、蒜的配比为1:1:1;羊油与植物油的配比为1:2;羊肉臊子汤料的配方为(每100kg羊肉):油脂50kg、羊骨汤50kg、香料3kg、调味料3kg、辣椒5kg、食盐3kg;杀菌条件为121℃,20m in。
The research of production technology of ground lamb soft can was carried out through orthogonal experiment to find out the rational optimized production process conditions. And the conditions were as follow: when it was to prepare concentrated sheep bone soup, it needed to add water weight 5 times of sheep bone with 4h concentration time ; when refine sheep oil, it needed to join the Chinese prickly ash, octagonal, good ginger and spring onion weight 1% of sheep fat respectively; the size of diced meat was lem square; the matching of Chinese prickly ash, Octagonal and good ginger was 2 : 1 : 1 ; the matching of the spring onions, ginger, and garlic was 1 : 1 : 1 ; the sheep oil was 1 : 2 compared with the mixing of vegetable oil; the prescription of ground lamb was (every 100kg mutton) : oil 50kg, sheep bone soup 50kg, spices 3kg, seasoning 3kg, hot pepper 5kg and salt 3kg; and the sterilization condition was at 121℃ for 20min.
Meat Industry
ground lamb
soft can
high pressure sterilization