

The living specimen right partly supplies the liver excision method the surgery coordination and the nursing experience
摘要 目的探讨活体部分肝移植的供肝切取手术配合方法。方法对我院19例活体部分肝移植的供肝切取手术配合进行总结,从供肝的切取、灌注、保养、控制感染、术中配合等方面作探讨。结果19例供肝切取手术顺利,供肝质量良好,供体术后愈合好。结论供肝切取手术难度较大,技术含量高,手术护士与医生密切的配合是手术顺利进行的重要保证。高质量的供肝保证了手术的成功率及术后肝功能正常。 Objective The goal discussion living speciemen partial lives transplant cut for the liver take the surgery to coordinate the method and the experience summarize. Method Transplants to my courtyard 19example living specimen partial livers cuts for the liver takes the surgery to coordinate to carry on the summary. From supplies the liver to cut takes, in the irrigation, the maintenance, the control infection, the technique aspects and so on coordination makes the discussion Results 19 examples cut for the liver take the surgery to be smooth,is good for the liver quality, after the donor technique heals. Conclusion Cuts for the liver takes the surgery difficulty to be big, the technical content is high, the surgery nurse and doctor the close coordination is the important guarantee which the surgery carries on smoothly. High grade had guaranteed afer the liver the surgery success ratio and the surgery the liver function is normal.
出处 《临床护理杂志》 2009年第6期44-47,共4页 Journal of Clinical Nursing
关键词 肝移植 手术室护理 liver transplantation operating room nursing
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