

Injury of fetal brain, lung and liver caused by maternal human cytomegalovirus infection before pregnancy in mice
摘要 目的探讨母鼠人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)感染对胎鼠脑、肺和肝脏的损害情况。方法将30只10周龄健康昆明鼠按雌雄比1:1配对,分为感染组(20只)和对照组(10只),均雌雄各半。感染组雌鼠妊娠前3d腹腔内接种1×10^6半数组织培养感染量病毒悬液0.5ml,对照组雌鼠分别接种等量的人胚成纤维细胞培养上清液。然后交配受孕并于孕19d剖宫取出胎鼠。感染组共获胎鼠15只;对照组获得健康胎鼠36只,随机抽取15只纳入本研究。检测胎鼠脑、肺、肝脏组织HC—MVDNA和病理改变并进行病毒分离。两组间计数资料比较用Χ^2检验。结果感染组胎鼠病毒分离阳性率分别为:脑73.3%(11/15)、肝脏53.3%(8/15)、肺脏60.0%(9/15);对照组3种组织病毒分离阳性率均为0(P〈0.05)。感染组胎鼠HCMVDNA阳性率分别为:脑93.3%(14/15)、肝脏93.3%(14/15)、肺脏86.7%(13/15);对照组HCMVDNA阳性率均为0(P〈0.05)。病理检测结果显示感染组胎鼠的脑、肺、肝脏组织结构损伤严重,可见病毒颗粒。结论母鼠HCMV感染可以发生垂直传播,导致子鼠脑、肺、肝脏等易感器官损伤。 Objective To investigate the injury of the brain, lung and liver of the pups after maternal infection of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) 3 days before pregnancy. Methods Thirty kunming mice aged 10-12 weeks were mated and divided into infection group and control group. The female mice in the infection group were given intraperitoneally 1 × 10^6 50 % tissue culture infective dose of HCMV suspension 0.5 ml 3 days before pregnancy, while those in the control group were given intraperitoneally supernatant of human fibroblasts. At 19 days of gestation, cesarean sections were performed. Pathology and HCMV DNA of the brain, lung and liver tissue of the fetus were tested through microscope and PCR. Kai-square test was used to compared the positive rates of HCMV DNA and viral isolation between these two groups. Results The positive rates of HCMV viral isolation and DNA in the fetal mice of infection group were as follow: brain (73.3% and 93.3%), liver (53.3%and 93.3%)and lung (60. 0% and 86.7%), while HCMV DNA and viral isolation was not detected in the control group (P 〈 0. 05). Under microscope, viromicrosome and tissue injury including necrosis, degeneration and bleeding were found in the tissues of brain, lung and liver in the infection group. Conclusions Maternal mice HCMV infection before pregnancy might vertically transmitted to the fetus and cause multi-organ injury.
出处 《中华围产医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第6期438-441,共4页 Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(C30672270) 安徽省教育厅课题基金(2005KJ358ZC)
关键词 巨细胞病毒感染 疾病传播 垂直 肝肿大 肺炎 Cytomegalovirus infections Disease transmission, vertical Hepatomegaly Pneumonia
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