
城市母亲的收入水平对学龄前儿童膳食与营养状况的影响 被引量:3

The Impact of Maternal Income on the Dietary and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children in Urban Areas
摘要 利用1991年和1993年开展的中美合作课题“中国健康与营养调查”资料,分别在中国8省选取6岁以下的城市儿童及其母亲351、244对,采用分层分析的方法,探讨母亲的收入水平对学龄前儿童膳食与营养状况的影响。发现母亲收入水平越高,儿童各营养素的摄入越高,营养不良率越低。平衡了家庭经济因素的干扰以后,在城市低收入家庭中母亲对家庭经济贡献的大小与儿童的膳食与营养明显相关,母亲收入占家庭总收入的比例越大,儿童的营养素摄入状况越好,体重不足率和发育迟缓率越低。但是在中等收入和高收入家庭规律不明显。说明在城市低收入家庭中。 This analysis is based on the data from CHINA HEALTH AND NUTRITION SURVEY in collaboration with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill undertaken in 8 provinces of China in 1991 and 1993.Totally,315 and 244 mother child pairs under age 6 were investigated in urban areas.Descriptive analysis and stratified analysis are applied to investigate the impact of maternal income on the dietary and nutritional status of children.It is found that the nutrients intake by children in higher maternal income group is greater and the proportion of undernourished children is lower than in lower naternal income group.After adjustment for family income,the results show that percentage of maternal income contributed to nutritional status.The higher the percentage,the better nourished their children,especially in low income households of urban areas.So it is illustrated that maternal income may be more important for children′s well being than is the others′ income in the urban families.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第10期603-605,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 生长发育 儿童 营养状况 家庭经济水平 Maternal Income Child Growth Child Nutrients Intake
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