
颅脑外伤术后应用异丙酚镇静治疗临床回顾 被引量:5

Clinical retrospective study on sedative effect of Propofol on patients with traumatic brain injury after operation
摘要 目的探讨异丙酚用于颅脑外伤患者术后镇静的疗效。方法回顾分析715例颅脑外伤手术患者:对照组289例(1998年~2000年),术后自然苏醒;治疗组426例(2001年~2005年),术后给予异丙酚镇静治疗,比较两组颅内压、脑灌注压、术后低血压发生率、术后再出血率和术后6个月GOS等指标。结果两组病例术后6 h颅内压存在显著差异(P<0.05),脑灌注压无显著差异(P=0.07),低血压发生率无显著差异(P=0.19),再出血发生率无显著差异(P=0.46),两组术后6个月的GOS无显著差异(P=0.28)。结论异丙酚能够安全有效的完成颅脑外伤术后的镇静治疗。 Objective To explore the sedative effect of Propofol on patients with traumatic brain injury after operation. Methods 715 patients with traumatic brain injury were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups. The control group(289 cases, 1998 2000) was treated with natural awaking and the therapy group(426 cases, 2001 -2005 ) was treated with Propofol. The intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, rate of hypotension, rate of rehaemorrhagia and GOS after 6 months were compared between the two groups. Results The result showed that the intracranial pressure of therapy group was significantly lower than the control group 6 hours after operation (P 〈 0. 05 ). The cerebral perfusion pressure was not significantly deviated between the two groups ( P = 0.07 ). The rate of hypotension was not significantly deviated between the two groups ( P = 0. 19 ). The rate of rehaemorrhagia was not significantly deviated between the two groups ( P = 0.46 ). The GOS of the two groups was not significantly deviated 6 months after operation ( P = 0.28 ). Conclusion sedative effect for the patients with traumatic brain The results suggest that Propofol can achieve the injury after brain surgery safely and effectively.
出处 《临床神经外科杂志》 CAS 2009年第4期203-204,207,共3页 Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
关键词 创伤性脑损伤 异丙酚 traumatic brain injury Propofol
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