
基于混合P2P网络模型的语义检索方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Semantic Query in Hybrid P2P Networks
摘要 在语义理解的基础上检索出满足用户需求的信息,是P2P走向更广泛应用的关键技术之一。提出了一种支持语义的混合P2P网络模型M-Chord,采用基于元数据规范模板(MST)的语义描述模型,结合Chord和语义覆盖网的技术特点,对基于MST的语义覆盖网动态生成方法进行了设计,提出了语义扩展路由的概念,并在上述研究的基础上提出了语义检索方法。通过实验分析表明,M-Chord具有较好的扩展性和语义检索性能。 Supporting semantic query is one of key techniques which broaden P2P systems' applications. A semantic- supported hybrid P2P network model--M-Chord was proposed. It adopts a metadata-specification-template-based semantic description model and combines technical characteristics of Chord and semantic overlay. A MST-based semantic overlay construction approach was designed. In M-Chord, the concept of semantic query routing was proposed. Based on M-Chord network model, semantic query method was proposed. The experiments show that scalability and semantic search efficiency are improved greatly in M-Chord.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期60-64,69,共6页 Computer Science
关键词 P2P 元数据 语义检索 语义扩展路由 P2P,Metadata,Semantic query,Semantic extend routing
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