
金融危机下关于我国场外金融衍生产品市场发展的思考 被引量:3

Some suggestions on the development of China's OTC derivatives market amid financial crisis
摘要 本文从对比分析中美两国场外金融衍生产品市场发展现状、监管框架和改革措施入手,阐明了两国市场发展处于不同阶段,监管理念和措施也存在显著差异。在厘清了当前存在的若干制约金融衍生产品市场发展的认识误区后,对如何加快我国场外金融衍生产品市场发展提出了具体的政策建议。 By making a comparative study between the US and Chinese OTC derivatives markets in terms of the development status, regulatory framework and recent reforms, this paper illustrates that the two markets differ in terms of development stages, regulatory philosophies and measures. After clarifying some misunderstandings which negatively affect the development of the derivatives market, it proposes some concrete recommendations to promote the development of the OTC derivatives market in China.
作者 蔡国喜 徐光
出处 《中国货币市场》 2009年第12期31-37,共7页 China Money
关键词 场外金融衍生产品市场 发展 监管 OTC derivates market, development, regulation
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