

Performance of China's interbank market in November 2009
摘要 2009年11月份,银行间外汇、货币、债券、利率和汇率衍生品市场整体运行平稳。货币市场主要品种利率走势平稳,Shibor各期限品种利率均有所回升;银行间国债指数小幅回升;人民币对美元汇率中间价与上月末相比升值0.01%,掉期价格显示人民币对美元升值预期加强。 In November 2009, the interbank market observed smooth performance for foreign exchange, money, bond, interest-rate and exchangerate derivatives. Major product rates in the money market kept stable, while Shibor products' rates all increased. The interbank T-bond index rose slightly. The central parity of RMB/USD increased 0.01% month-on-month, and RMB/USD swaps quotes demonstrated an enhanced market expectation of RMB appreciation.
出处 《中国货币市场》 2009年第12期56-67,共12页 China Money
关键词 同业市场 现券市场 央行票据 银行间外汇市场 日均成交量 人民币汇率中间价 interbank market, cash bond market, central bank paper, interbank FX market, average daily turnover, RMB central parity
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