目的 探讨采用不同方法对老年患者行肠镜检查前的肠道准备,对结肠镜检查效果的影响。方法将100例拟行肠镜检查前肠道准备的老年患者随机分成两组,实验组50例,采用结肠透析机进行肠道准备;对照组50例,采用口服给药法;比较两组的肠道准备效果,观察两种肠道准备方法的治疗中和治疗后的不良反应。结果采用结肠透析机进行肠道准备效果优于口服给药法(P〈0.05),不良反应发生率与口服给药时比较无明显差异。结论采用结肠透析机进行肠镜检查前的肠道准备是适合老年患者的一种有效方法。
Objective To compare effection of two kinds of bowel preparation for enteroscopy in aged patients. Methods 100 patients who would receive enteroscopy were divided into two groups. 50 cases in each group. Patients in experimental group received colon dialysis, patients in control group received oral medication. Observed the effectiveness of two kind of bowel preparations and adverse reaction. Results The effectiveness of colon dialysis was superior to oral medication ( P 〈 0. 05 ), there was no significant deviation the adverse reaction of two groups. Conclusions Colon dialysis is a suitable method in bowel preparation for enteroscopy in aged patients.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing