
男男性行为性工作者的性安全行为调查 被引量:4

Study on sexual safety among MSM sex workers
摘要 目的分析研究男男性行为性工作者(MB)的性行为安全状况。方法在成都、沈阳和南京3个中心城市,对有明确的性交易经历或准备从事性交易的MB进行问卷调查分析。结果共调查577人,回收有效问卷484份。平均年龄21.56岁,认同自己是同性恋的占72.5%。性病艾滋病知识知晓率低于75%,安全套正确使用技巧知晓率仅达63%。插入性性行为发生率均超过60%,还有少量性虐行为,性虐中有半数发生出血现象。每次坚持使用安全套与男性发生性行为的已达到72%,而与女性则仅达到59%。报告曾感染性病的占18.2%,但只有一半多一点的人愿意去公立医院看病。结论他们是流动人口,缺乏性病艾滋病预防基本知识和意识,存在健康服务的认识误区,需要加强对这个群体的健康干预。 Objective To explore sexual safety among MSM sex workers(money boy, MB). Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among MSM sex workers who had clear experience or prepared to engage in sex trade in cities of Chengdu, Shenyang and Nanjing. Results A total of 484 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The average age of the subjects surveyed was 21.56 years,and 72.5% of them identified themselves as homosexual. The knowledge rate about STD/HIV/AIDS was less than 75 %. The awareness of the correct skills of using condom was only 63 %. The incidence of inserting sexual behaviors was more than 60%, a few cases of sex abuse occurred which had bleeding in half of them;72 % of cases used condom persistently when having sex with men,however only 59 of them used condoms in sex with women;18.2% reported having a history of STDs,but nearly half of them were reluctant to seek medical care in public hospitals. Conclusions The MSM sex workers are mobile population, lacking basic knowledge of STD/HIV/AIDS prevention, having misconception about access to health services. Stronger health intervention will be needed to target to this special population group.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2009年第6期583-585,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
基金 2006年国家艾滋病防治社会动员项目(项目编号:06-Ⅱ-3)
关键词 男男性行为性工作者 性行为 安全 MSM sex workers (money boy, MB) Sexual behavior Safety
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