

Forces for Charged Ions near Wall of Micro-channel under Electro-kinetics Effects
摘要 应用离子分布的Boltzmann定律和Poisson方程研究了微流动中通道近壁面电势的分布,采用Derjaguin理论计算了动电学效应下带电离子受到的双电层作用力,应用Hamaker-DeBoer近似式得到了离子与壁面间的范德瓦尔力,同时也考虑到离子重力的影响,揭示了三种力对带电离子流动特性的影响。研究结果表明:无量纲间距d*≤0.2时,离子重力的影响可以忽略,带电离子主要受范德瓦尔力和双电层作用力的作用,且二力均随d*增大而减小,d*≤0.02时,范德瓦尔力起主要作用,当0.02<d*≤0.2时,双电层作用力逐渐起主导作用;d*>0.2时,重力、范德瓦尔力及双电层作用力都趋于零,均可忽略。 The Boltzmann theory and Poisson equation were used to analyze the distribution of electric potential near the wall in micro-channel flow. The variety of electric double layer interaction force under electro-kinetic effect was calculated with Derjaguin method, the Van Der Waals force between ions and the wall was evaluated by Hamaker-De Boer approximately model. The gravitation of ions was considered, and the effects of three forces on flow characteristics were analyzed. The results showo that (1) In the region d*≤0.2, the influence of gravitation could be neglected, the electric double layer interaction force and Van Der Waals force play a significant role near the wall, and they both decrease with the increase of d*. The influence of Van Der Waals force is mainly concentrated in the region d*≤0.02 while the electric double layer interaction force begins playing a dominant role in the region 0.02<d*≤0.2. (2) The gravitation and Van der Waals force as well as the electric double layer interaction force are infinitesimal and could be neglected in the region d*>0.2.
机构地区 西安交通大学
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期624-627,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金(50676077)
关键词 微流动 带电离子 动电学效应 双电层 范德瓦尔力 micro-flow, charged ions, electro-kinetics effects, electric double layer, Van Der Waals force
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