他是一个品牌战士,40年前,他以《定位》一书向那些破坏品牌的传统理念发射了猛烈的炮火。40年后的今天,他则把炮火射向华尔街。他就是"定位之父"杰克·特劳特(Jack Trout),他已经75岁了,年轻时的锋芒已变成沧桑,刚坐下一会,他说"有点冷",起身加了一件衣服。我们的采访从经济危机、通用"破产"开始,谈到那些"品牌破坏者",特劳特眼中再次出现火苗,他说,"如果不想破坏品牌,就要远离华尔街。"面对新的"品牌破坏者",特劳特最新的应对之道是"再定位",核心是"3C":竞争的变化(competition)、变革(change)、危机(crisis)。
He is a brand soldier,40 years ago,he used his book'Position'as his weapon to open fire at the traditional ideas that were bringing damage to brands.40 year later,he has redirected his guns at Wall Street. Jack Trout,the'founding father'of the idea of positioning for market brands is 75 years old.Recently,he was interviewed by China Entrepreneur. While mentioning the global economic crisis and General Motor's bankruptcy, Trout said:'If you don't want to destroy your brands,you should stay away from Wall Street'. According to Trout,the way to deal with this new brand saboteur is to reposition, the core of which is the concept of'3C':Competition,Change,and Crisis. Can Trout's thoughts bring another earthquake to the post-financial crisis business world?
China Entrepreneur