Objective To research the effects of short - term intensive insulin treatment onre - ganing the sensitivityof sulfonylureas in diabetes patients. Methods Thirty patients form outpatient and emergency department,includ -ingl2male andl8 female, who took regular -dose sulfonylureas but was high blood glucose lever, were selected tosus - pend the sulfonylureas - treatment and were given theBLAsp30 to control the blood glucose level for three months, then they were stopped theBLAsp30 and took the same sulofnylureas used before. Results The average fasting blood glucose, (FBG) was (9.4 ± 7.5 ) mmol/Land the average postprandial2h boodglucose ( PG2h ) ( or random blood gloucose) was ( 14.2 ± 7.2) mmol/Lin3 months betore stopping the sulfonylureas. The average FBGwas ( 5.7 ± 0.7 ) mmol/ Land - PG2hwas (7.2 ± 1.4) mmol/L at the beginning of the insulin getting the blood glucose under control The average FBGwas ( 6.0 ± 0. 8 ) mmol/Land PG2hwas (7.8 ± 1.2) mmol/Lduring the insulin treatment, the averageFB * Gwas (6.1 ± 0.6)mmol/LandPG2hwas(7.7 ±1.3 )mmol/Lat the end of the insulin treatment The average FBGwas(6.5 ± 0.5) mool/LandPG2hwas(8.1±0.8)mool/Lwhen continuing the sulfonylureas treatment in one months. It increased significantly to compare the bloodglucose before the treatment of insulin to that after the treatment of insulin (P 〈 compare the blood glucose before the treatment of insulin to that after the treatment of( P 〈 0.05). Conclusion short -term intensive insulin treatment restores the patinents sensitiveess to sulfonylureas probbiy.
Harbin Medical Journal
diabetes mellitus
Intensive insulin treatment
research the effects