
党校教学改革及增强主体班教学实效性的思考 被引量:1

Teaching Reform and Improvement of the Teaching Effectiveness in the Classes of the Party School
摘要 提高主体班教学实效性是党校教学改革的重要内容,也是党校工作贯彻科学发展观,落实《党校工作条例》的重要实践。必须增强驾驭主体班课堂教学能力,激发学员参与,完善能力结构,多渠道获取新知,从而提升教师素质,适应干部培训需要。 To improve the teaching effectiveness is not only an important content of teaching reform of the Party school, but also an important practice of implement the scientific concept of development and the "Regulations on the Work of the Party School". We should enhance the teaching ability of control the main classes, stimulate students to participate, improve the capacity of the structure, access to new knowledge from multi- channel to improve the quality of teachers and meet the needs of cadres training.
作者 卢雪艳
出处 《中共桂林市委党校学报》 2009年第4期64-68,共5页
关键词 党校教育 干部培训 教学改革 主体班 教学实效性 education of the Party school cadres training teaching reform main classes of the Party school teaching effectiveness
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  • 1中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告[R].2012.11.
  • 2习近平在中央党校建校80周年庆祝大会上的讲话[c].
  • 3习近平在全国党校校长会议上的讲话[C].
  • 4刘珂.努力把科学发展观内化为办学观[N].光明日报,2013-01-01.
  • 5周源.深化党校教学改革 不断提高教学科研水平[J].知行铜仁,2010(1):77-80. 被引量:1



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