[目的]了解和掌握玉林市食品及公共场所从业人员乙型肝炎的感染状况。[方法]用ELISA法对玉林市2008年服务行业从业人员检测HBsAg,对HBsAg阳性者进行HBeAg检测。[结果]2008年共检测食品及公共场所从业人员25 258人,共检出HBsAg阳性者1 170例,阳性率4.63%,HBeAg阳性415例,阳性率35.47%。[结论]HBsAg及HBeAg阳性者要及时调离岗位,防止乙型肝炎进一步传播。
[Objective]To understand the infection of HBV among employees in food industry and public places in Yulin city.[Methods]Examination of HBsAg was conducted for employees of service industry by ELISA,and HBeAg was tested for HBsAg positive ones in 2008.[Results]25 258 employees from food industry and public places were tested in 2008,1 170 of them were positive for HBsAg,accounting 4.63%.415 of them were positive for HBeAg,accounting for 35.47%.[Conclusion]HBsAg and HBeAg positive employees should be transferred from their post to prevent the infection.
Preventive Medicine Tribune