近年来,面包的生产已由传统的二次发酵法转向采用不发酵法。这种被称为是速成的方法,是多少年来工艺学家刻意追求、努力的成果。 目前应用的速成法是在弗拉意西门法和乔雷胡特法的基础上加以改良的方法。从工艺方面来看,是比较有新意的方法;从生产商的投资规模和经济效益方面来衡量。
In this article, an expert from the baking industry examines the reasons behind the success of an advanced method of bread production, which does not involve fermentation, and its future development. In addition, he summarizes the changing trends in bread consumption witnessed between 1984 and 1995, the behavioral changes of consumers in choosing bread products and a comparison of the advanced bread production method with the traditional fermentation method.
China Food Industry